Happy Mornings at Home

October 12th, 2012 § 1 comment

Adam leaves the light on in our closet all the time. All. The. Time. It annoys me. Adam is a very green person when he feels like it, but that doesn’t include turning off the lights or simply putting on a jacket instead of cranking up the fireplace. But today, we were both getting dressed at the same time, and I pointed out how easy it is to turn out the closet light after I got dressed.

Me: Did you see how I did that? I walked out of the closet AND I turned out the light.

Adam: No, I missed it.

Me: It was simple. I turned out the light as I walked out.

Adam: I didn’t see it. Could you do it again? In fact, could you make me a YouTube video of it so I can watch it over and over at my leisure?

Me [yelling out the bedroom door]: Hey, kids! Do you want a new daddy?

Pie: Why? Is he voting for Mitt Romney?

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§ One Response to Happy Mornings at Home

  • your mother says:

    They just installed a motion detecter light in the trash room at our apartment…you might consider it for your closet, it works well but then you wouldn’t have something cute to blog about.

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