The Downside to Education

April 21st, 2009 § 2 comments

I love complaining about my children. You know that. I do it here all the time. And on Facebook. And Twitter. And IM to Adam. Complaining about kids is kind of like my hobby.



Damn that American educational system! The boy is actually reading! Reading, I tell you! Which is all fine and cute and dandy when he’s picking up Mouse Tales or Beyond the Dinosaurs: Monsters of the Air and Sea .

But when he’s standing next to my computer, asking, “Why did you write, ‘It’s… all… falling…a-a-pa-apart…here’?” well, it’s not so cute anymore.

Why didn’t we go Waldorf? They don’t learn to read till seven. I would have had another year and a half of private IMs and Twitters and whatnot to complain about those munchkins….

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§ 2 Responses to The Downside to Education"

  • Alisa says:

    This is the third Waldorf reference I have heard in the past few weeks. I had never heard of them before that. I want my kids to be active but I couldn’t see not having a TV or computer in the house at all.

  • Adam says:

    Just wait until he votes that he “likes” one of your status updates.

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